Saturday, February 4, 2012

What you can do

I am asking you to please help me.  You can do many things.  Forward this to your local news outlets, forward it to your friends.  The only way this does any good is if it gets visibility.  The goal is to get this national attention - anything you can do to help with this is appreciated.  This isn't for me, I don't want publicity, notoriety, or attention.

I encourage you to call the NJ Atty General's office and encourage them to not let up in their investigation.
Joseph Iasso is one of the investigators, his number is 973-792-4237.

Call your Senator or Representative and encourage them to investigate this company.
Regardless of your state  - if enough calls come in, it might spur action.

Here are the pages for Nebraska:

Call the Department of Justice and encourage them to start a federal criminal investigation.
US Atty General's office has a generic email address of : 

Call PHH - a list of phone numbers are below, call them and let them know you are aware of their abuse.  If they get flooded with 1,000 phone calls a day it might serve as a wake-up call.  If their voice message boxes are full of messages from people who are fed up with their abuse - it might serve some good (although losing a $21M law suit, didn't help with that).

Luke Hayden - President of PHH  - 856 -917-0184

Executive offices - 856 917 6846

Marty Foster - 856 - 917-8222

Camile Hawk - PHH's attorney in Omaha - 402 330 6300

Glen Messina - CEO of PHH  856-917-6847

Call US Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citi, etc. and discourage them from doing business with this company.  My original loan was through US Bank -
The Office of the Corporate Secretary
U.S. Bancorp
800 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55402-4302 

We will be adding more information to the blog with templates, scripts and more addresses soon.  

Thanks for anything you do.

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